Nadia Jack - Social Media/Communications, New Zealand

Nadia lives in Palmerston North, New Zealand with her husband, two daughters and their dogs.

Her 8-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Mucolipidosis Type II/III in 2019. Nadia is a strong advocate for her daughter and is passionate about discovering new treatments and a cure for Mucolipidosis. She has been on the Board of Trustees at her daughter’s school for the past 3 years, as well as working part-time for a rural insurance company and running her own business in her spare time.

Her background in leadership, communication and earlier study in Health Science at university has helped her navigate the difficult path of patient advocacy along the way and to understand the importance of fostering successful relationships within the health, science and patient community. Nadia brings a holistic view approach and is excited and honoured to be a part of this organization. She is looking forward to sharing resources, information and connecting with the research community and families affected by Mucolipidosis.